Ministry in Panama
Dear friends and family,
I would appreciate your prayers as I am traveling today (Friday) to Panama to help with a Perspectives promotional event with pastors and leaders tomorrow (Saturday). One of the presenters canceled at the last minute, and they asked me to fill in! We are expecting about 100 pastors and missions leaders to attend this one day event where we'll give them a taste of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. This will be followed up with an full intensive course later this year.
We had a wonderful time as a family last week at the annual conference of our sister churches in Mexico, the Iglesia Biblica Comunión de Creyentes. We enjoyed some very pure air at about 8,000 feet right near the snow-capped volcanoes just outside Mexico City! We had many opportunities to connect with our co-laborers, pray with them and plan future ministry together.
One of the highlights is always the final full day which is dedicated to missions. The morning started with a time of prayer for the nations. Here is a group of pastors and leaders interceding for unreached peoples.

We were also able spend the day following the conference in Mexico City with a pastor friend and his wife and give them some encouragement.
The local South Texas Perspectives courses are in their final two weeks. Please pray for the students, that God would continue to guide them as to how they can best be part of what God is doing to make disciples in unreached peoples.
Next weekend the CFU staff will be getting together for a retreat. Then in May I will be traveling to Chile and Argentina to do some Perspectives instructor training. Rita is getting ready for VBS at our local church. She is responsible for the curriculum and the teachers.
And Sammy is enjoying T-ball this spring! We are very proud of our little first baseman!

We deeply appreciate your prayer and support! God is faithful!